
Thursday, January 5, 2012

QR Codes, not just a 2D Fad

So, you may have seen these interesting little grid like, impressionistic chess boards around. Turn to any magazine, business card, or television and you'll likely come across a few.

Now what exactly are these? A QR Code, short for "Quick Response Code". These were originally used in auto manufactures' plants to keep track of vehicles. However, they proved just too useful for other applications to stay in that arena. Since the late 90's, they have infiltrated popular culture - especially in Hong Kong and Canada. Essentially, a QR code is a 2D (rather than 1D, like serial codes found on most food prosucts) binary array of 1's and 0's readable by digital devices. In a nutshell, these codes are real world hyperlinks to the virtual world, just like the ones you may click on here, or here.

How are these used? Well, websites like Kaywa will make you a QR code from any telephone number, contact info, or website URL - for free. With this, anyone from street performers to advertising teams have adopted this now ubiquitous form of tagging.  Using QR code generators like Kaywa, anybody can input the info and produce a code that they can be displayed anywhere from print, to video, to art. The reasons and methods for utilizing these are vast and seemingly infinite. As a faster, straightforward, very hip way to connect people to your information, they will become more and more prevalent as more people become comfortable and able to scan them. Anybody wanting to see where these links will take them need only whip out their smart phones and Boom! It is that fast....

To use take advantage of these codes, all one need do is download the app for their favorite flavor of OS. With there being a good top 5 apps for most markets, it is free and really that easy.

Personally I use the QR Code Scanner for the iPhone and it works great. Especially since it stores previous scans for recall at a later time.
iphone Apps with Review
Droid Apps with Review
Blackberry Apps with Review

So what are you waiting for?
Made using Mappit Video Mapping Software

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